How to make a successful plant milk froth?

Categorized as Coffee break

Last update September 3rd, 2022

While cow’s milk is generally easier to froth than a substitute, it is still possible to froth plant milk. It usually contains enough fat to make a nice foam. If the substitute contains no fat or too little, you won’t get a foam like with rice milk, which is difficult to make. Coconut, oat or soya milks froth well (almond a little less), but you have to like their typicality to integrate them in your drinks.

So let’s go and learn how to make a vegetable milk froth!

Best plant milks for frothing

First, pick a plant-based milk that you like. Each substitute is different and its ability to froth changes from one to another. So try, taste, test… keeping in mind that the fatter it is, the more it will foam.

The second element that plays on the result is the technique to make the plant milk foam. We present you three of them.

Techniques for making vegetable milk froth

With an electric mixer

Pour one or two cups of plant milk into a bowl and whisk it until you get a nice foam. Once ready, pour it over an espresso for a delicious plant milk cappuccino or latte. If you don’t have an electric mixer, opt for a manual whisk… but it takes longer and the result is more random.

The pot method

Do you have a jar that closes tightly? Fill it halfway with your milk, screw the lid on tightly and shake until bubbles form. Put it in the microwave for a minute, let it cool down and shake the jar until it foams. Repeat the operation until you have a nice foam.

With a milk frother

If you regularly make drinks/desserts with milk froth (cappucino, Lette, mocaccino, milkshakes, smoothies, etc.), the question of purchasing a milk frother arises to make life easier and to ensure that your milk foam is always successful.

Milk frothers are sometimes equipped with a heated container if you want hot foam. It’s easy to use: you fill the container, press the ON button, and that’s it! The device takes care of itself.