Organic coffee, which one to choose?

Categorized as Coffee break
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Organic food is increasingly present in the food supply and coffee is no exception to the rule. Butwhich organic coffee should you choose from the plethora of products on offer? We detail what you need to know about the specificities of organic coffee.

Discover its particularities and its typicities to know how to choose an organic coffee that corresponds to your desires and your tastes.

Difference between coffee and organic coffee: advantages, disadvantages

What is an organic coffee?

An organic coffee is a coffee grown in organic agriculture.

This organic coffee production method follows strict standards:

  • cultivation practices that respect the natural balance
  • exclusion of synthetic chemicals, GMOs and limitation of inputs: it has been cultivated on land without traces of these products for 5 years
  • organic coffee beans, once harvested, must not be mixed with non-organic beans: they are therefore also roasted separately
  • Organic coffee is made up of at least 95% organic beans.

How does organic coffee taste?

If its taste does not differ drastically from traditional coffeeorganic coffee has the advantage :

  • a more natural method of obtaining it (this is important, especially when you consume a lot of it)
  • of a more environmentally friendly culture.

Organic coffee: prices

Organic coffee has a higher price than conventional coffee because of the lower yield. You can expect a 25 to 40% difference between organic and non-organic coffee.

If you are on a tight budget and want to consume organic coffee, one way to compensate for a higher price is to drink fewer cups in a day or to change the dosage.

Organic coffee or fair trade coffee: definition, differences

Organic and fair trade are two different concepts. Organic is defined by production and harvesting processes that follow strict standards in terms of respect for the environment and without synthetic chemicals.

A coffee is said to be fair trade if it has been bought at a fair price that correctly remunerates the work of the producers.

Organic coffee is not necessarily fair trade.

In what form should I buy organic coffee?

You can choose between organic ground coffee, beans, pods, capsules or instant coffee.

You can select the grind of organic coffee according to your machine (fine, medium, coarse). In short, there is something for every coffee maker and every taste.

How to use organic coffee?

For a quick answer… organic coffee is used like the traditional version.

It allows to make espresso coffee, filter coffee, coffee in capsules, to use a piston or Italian coffee maker…

As for gourmet recipes, you can reproduce all the ones you like with organic coffee: iced lattecafé latte, iced coffeeamaretto coffeeIrish coffee… the only limit is your imagination!

You are now ready to choose your organic coffee with full knowledge of the facts.