How to reprogram a malfunctioning Nespresso coffee machine

Categorized as Nespresso

Last update September 3rd, 2022

Is your Nespresso out of order? Do you find your coffee too short or too long and can no longer enjoy the good Nespresso coffee recipes? Do you want to know how to calibrate a Nespresso machine? Follow our guide explaining how to reprogram your Nespresso machine and set the right amount of coffee in your cup.

Symptoms of a dysfunctional machine

Your machine has two buttons corresponding to two different coffee sizes: Lungo and Espresso. If, by pressing one of the two buttons, you do not obtain the desired size of coffee (too long or not long enough), it is because your Nespresso machine is out of order. Here is the procedure to (re) program the Nespresso coffee machine and obtain the desired amount of coffee for each button.

How to program a Nespresso coffee maker that is out of order

Here’s how to program the size of your coffee with the “small cup” or “large cup” functions (works for all nespresso models). This allows you to customize the size of your coffee:

  • turn on the machine;
  • wait until the buttons stop flashing;
  • lift the handle, insert a coffee capsule and close the handle;
  • place a cup under the nozzle;
  • To program the length of a small cup, press and hold the “small cup” button (the same procedure applies to a large cup, press the “large cup” button);
  • when the cup is filled to your liking, release the button;
  • the coffee machine is now programmed, the next time you start a coffee, you will have the same quantity, the coffee will flow at the programmed level.

The best Nespresso offers on amazon

I’ve tried everything, my Nespresso machine is still out of order

If you are unable to reprogram the Nespresso, the coffee machine problem may be due to: